In gym there was a guy wearing the scariest t-shirt ever.. it said, “I know what you looked like last summer!”
Minty Fresh Death
I was upside down through all this, the scene a literal blur as I was whirled like a Catherine wheel,...
In gym there was a guy wearing the scariest t-shirt ever.. it said, “I know what you looked like last summer!”
I was upside down through all this, the scene a literal blur as I was whirled like a Catherine wheel,...
Cultures like those of the USA and UK, where there is an almost pathological fetishizing of the individual, have fostered...
Looking back now with the benefit of light years distance in spacetime, it feels like that homosexual hotbox stands more...
Telling stories is what we all do, but if you want to be heard you need to use a common...
Rather than seeing us losing our reality to virtual worlds, we are given the mindfulness of a guru or yogi...
Think of identity as a political revolutionary movement. It's existence is necessary for it to challenge or topple the status...
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