Tag: humour

more dating

I am annoyed by the recovery definition of insanity... which goes along the lines of 'insanity is doing the same ...

told you I was sick!

This could be it people, I could pop my clogs. I would donate my organs, but I think they're a ...

damn those expectations….

My expectations, like my appendix, should be surgically removed. They lie dormant, and then one day just explode in a ...

My Life

Working on the tag-line for the movie of my life.  Clearly, "Where no man has been before" would be a ...

from Ken Robinson

In his amazing book and TED speech, Mr Robinson tells of his 4 year old son who was in the ...

The Best man speech

In my speech as best man, I referred to a point that I stumbled upon at Mazista tiles. A tiled ...

#StarWars – a true story

I was comparing notes on dating with one of my other personalities, and I realised how much I had changed. ...

More #Life

I understand that life involves compromise, its a case of you want; you'd settle for, and then... you get. In ...


Its obvious that people in glass houses shouldn't. And no, that is a complete sentence and good advice.

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About Me

Brett Lotriet Best

Welcome to the MadDwarf Blog.
Hello! I am Brett, aka the MadDwarf. The name is a reference to me being a short, stocky, and rather disgruntled human which is a fairly accurate summation.


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